"The reasoning behind this is easy," writes the mod's author, John Doe Bowler. This mod adds Light, Sturdy, and Heavy armor mods to the armor workbench. The True Storms mod improves the rain and thunder effects for Fallout 4's storms (both the regular kind and the kill-you radiation kind), making the wasteland seem more hostile and lonely, but savagely beautiful in its own cancer-inducing way. Depending on the circumstances they erupt from, they can make your surroundings tense and frightening, or relaxing and peaceful. Either way, if you need to go in-depth with the game's settings, don't delay on this download. It addresses problems that Bethesda may fix itself over the coming weeks - or maybe not. The Fallout 4 Configuration Tool lets you tone and tweak dozens of game settings that are otherwise inaccessible, like resolution and mouse sensitivity.

The most popular entry amongst the selection of Fallout 4 mods isn't full of big noises and shiny things, but for some people, it vaults the game from "unplayable" to "ahh, much better." Follow the modders' instructions carefully, and install mods at your own risk. Corrupted save data and other problems may occur. Note: Bethesda has yet to release official modding tools for Fallout 4, so installing current mods (including the ones listed) is a bit of a crapshoot. If you have a specific problem with Fallout 4, fans may have already supplied you with a way to fix it. Some of these early mods make graphical enhancements, while others clean up some of Bethesda's bugs and oversights. It took no time at all for the Fallout 4 community to start modding Bethesda's highly-anticipated wasteland adventure.